

Your health is the priority for us!

A check-up is a thorough medical examination or check-up that a person undergoes to learn more about his or her health and to react in good time if a dangerous disease begins.

Preventing illness is much more pleasant than treating it. Check Up by Dr. Care helps you to monitor your body’s performance and catch any “problems” on time.

Once a year, we recommend that you have a comprehensive check-up and be confident in your health.

More about the service

How does Check Up work?

At the first stage, specialists provide a consultation and a full examination. Men are offered 8 main doctors, women 11.

The second stage is examinations. Instrumental diagnostics and tests help the doctor check your general condition and detect abnormalities (if there is any). Get ready for blood and urine tests, MRI, cardiogram, CT scan, ultrasound according to the program.

When all the studies are ready, doctors are waiting for a consultation on the results – the final stage. If necessary, specialists prescribe treatment or additional examinations.